Thursday, May 1, 2008


Dear Fellow Countrymen The elections have come gone amid much controversy in the aftermath considering the delay in the announcement of the Presidential ballot count. The fact that a recount has been called before the entire process is seen through, just clearly pronounces how corrupt and unjust the system is in dealing with issues of national governance. There well maybe yet another round of elections in the form of a Presidential run off. Many predict that it will be as bloddy as the 2000 and 2002 elections.Do we have a government, do we have a cabinet, do we have a parliament, do we have a voice, are we a sovereign republic, are we Marxist/Leninist cum socialists or are we something yet undefined and a nation in limbo? I will leave you to figure the answers to those questions. Well, I have in the past couple of days been bombarded with calls from mostly youthful friends in the struggle (both within and without our borders), either announcing their readiness, or calling for “some” action to remove or deal with the regime. Some have emailed me to express their fear for the worst, what with rumors and news that there is a ship from China with a consignment of ammunition, rocket propelled hand grenades and tubes, slowly making its way to the Angolan Shores, where the friends of the regime will gladly and willingly deliver them to Harare regardless of retribution from any discerning quarters. It is clear that patience is a virtue fast diminishing in our homeland and that fear is steadily gaining ground once again. The Hope that had been so bold and clear in all our hearts and within the horizon before the elections could be vanished at the wink of an eye if we do not guard it jealously. In light of the above sentiments, I am taking a bold stand against evil and do hereby take up responsibility to give leadership in this crisis. God help me to express what I have to say in the next couple of days because I feel it will change many of you and indeed bring us to the Zimbabwe we are searching for. Make sure you don’t miss out on these messages and tell others about it. So in this series of messages, I will seek to encourage the fearful, give ammunition to those considering and willing to engage in “action” to deal with the circumstances, and above all try to rekindle or keep the fire of our Hope burning. I hope you will be blessed, that you will be empowered, that you will be challenged and above all that you will be inspired to join hands with many of us in doing what is right for our people. COMING SERIES!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WATCH THIS SPACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1. PREPARING FOR WAR Dealing with fear: Keeping fit, exercising and training for battle: Do you want to fight - then go ahead and fight: Know the enemy and identify his tactics: Source of funding for our war: How to join the army:

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